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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Clint McCance, You Done Fucked Up Now!

One of the best news I enjoy hearing is when one of the lowlifes of society are exposed for the scum they are...and they aren't here from Arkansas. Unfortunately for me, this time I could not enjoy the spotlight being shined on some other state, or country for harboring said scum. A Midland school board member, from Arkansas, by the name of Clint McCance, posted comments on Facebook the other day stating that... Well, I'll just post the screen capture since I don't feel like writing his entire ignorant rant...

This guy, a school board member, is saying that he would only wear a purple shirt in celebration of gay children killing themselves. Not only that, but he said he enjoys the fact that gay people give each other AIDs and die. He goes on to say that if his kids were gay , he would disown them and run them off. I'm assuming that by his first comment, if his kids were gay and killed themselves, it would make his day and he would wear a purple shirt to tell the world that he is happy that his child chose death before dishonor. I don't know what's worse, that he was a school board member in charge of the future of thousands of kids, or that this guy could have children living in his own house, hearing his hate filled messages on a daily basis. I could pick a number of words to describe this guy right now, but none would fully encompass his ignorance and lack of humanity.

If anyone wonders how someone could come to be filled with such hate and ignorance, not that most people don't know by now, I think the last two sentences tell it all. "My kids will have solid christian beliefs. See it infects everyone." Infected it has! Living in the Bible Belt all my life, I know that there's always a good chance that when someone says something hateful against gays, it's going to be be from here. I was once Christian, but have since become an agnostic. I came to the conclusion that religion has caused more hate, ignorance, and violence than any other force on earth. There are some Christians who say that Jesus is love and they don't believe that gays are evil, or believe in beating their kids to discipline them, that executing prisoners is okay, or many of the other things that Christians usually believe in, but they are the minority trying to save face and ignore what the Bible does say. If you disagree with the majority of what a group is saying, then you don't belong in that group. I didn't agree, so I left.

I hear preachers talk about people not coming to their God with their problems, but they fail to see why they aren't coming to their God. It's because the God they worship hates gays, it supports violence, and wants to take away people's freedoms. There are wars going on right now, people are out of the job, and there are starving and sick people all over the place. People go to church and want to hear how to make the world a better place. It seems like all they hear in return is "Gay people are evil." They go outside and it's not gay people bombing other people in other countries and making people starve. It's not gay people turning over cars and lighting buildings on fire. It's not a bunch of gay people destroying their jobs. Well, in a way, gay people might make Clint McCance lose his job, but only because he hated them.

Christianity and all religions are losing members. They're dying out. People no longer believe in them, or turn to them because they offer nothing of value. They are the 8-track player of our day. The internet and TV has introduced more people to scientific discoveries that offer more believable alternatives to explaining the universe than religion can. Not only that, but from a moral standpoint, many people see that religious morality does not make the world a better place and in fact, makes it worse. The reason 9-11 happened was because of religion. The reason Clint McCance wishes kids would commit suicide is because of religion. The reason for the crusades, witch trials, slavery, child abuse, spousal abuse, and even the Holocaust was because of, or supported by, RELIGION. The question religious people should ask isn't "Why don't anyone worship my God?", but "What's a good reason anyone should worship my God?"

If you wish to file a complaint to the superintendent of the Midland School District about this, call Superintendent Dean Stanley's office at 1-501-345-8844. I have heard that Dean Stanley is out until Friday, but maybe you should leave a message that he should come back to work and handle this matter right now.


Pastor JLowe said...

This is crazy stuff. It really pains me when people are openly ignorant, and in this dude's case, stupid. Then he goes on to claim the whole Christianity thing as his reasons for hatred. I'm a Christ follower, but I'm not afraid to be one who says I don't think the entire Bible is accurate. It's been tinkered with throughout history by some pretty evil people, and we think it's holy. Pssh.

Big Red, Deer Slayer said...

I happen to agree with what you're saying, except for the idea of leaving the Christian faith over the gay issue. I'm a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, which is supportive of gays (allow openly gay clergy, etc.). ELCA is considered a Christian denomination because it accepts the divinity, grace, and salvation in Christ. Should I leave ELCA altogether because it happens to disagree with a majority of Christian denominations? Or should I stay in ELCA because I agree with what ELCA teaches?