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Sunday, May 3, 2009

You Know We're Screwed When Marion Barry Is The "Moral" one

This Tuesday, former D.C. Mayor, Marion Barry, told a group of church leaders and other people opposed to gay rights that he opposed the city council's decision to recognize same sex marriages that were performed outside of the the D.C. area. It's not that really big of a deal that he took this side since lots of politicians do, but the really crazy thing was that he had the audacity to say that he was, "a politician who's moral." You can see his speech in the video below and it starts around 3:30.

Now I'm not usually to point out a person's personal morality. If a person gets divorced, or cheats on their spouse, I'm not saying that's the grounds for them to lose a job. However, when they say they're a moral person and use that excuse to validate their position on opposing the moral behavior of others, I think that leaves them open to investigation.

In the case of Marion Barry, he has been married 4 times, has been in trouble for tax evasion, arrested for drug possession, and served 6 months in jail. If you remember, there was a famous sting operation that caught him in possession and use of crack cocaine. Besides that, this guy has been surrounded with corruption charges. If corrupt politicians wanted to have a poster child, Marion Barry would probably be a good choice.

As far as gay marriage goes, let people do whatever they want if it's not harming anyone else. This is not a moral issue of life and death, or something that affects other people's lives, besides the gay people. This is a religious issue and religion and government should not mix. The only reason people oppose this is because the Bible says it's wrong. There's no non-religious opposition to this issue.

If you don't think it's right for two people of the same sex to marry each other, then don't marry a person the same sex as you. Not everyone in America is of the same religion as you are and you shouldn't force your beliefs on them just as they shouldn't force their beliefs on you. Look at the countries in the world where religion mixes with the law. The people there are not free and there is a lot of violence. Just because your government has no stand on religion, that shouldn't make you less of a religious person. Our soldiers are in Iraq and Afghanistan right now and just because those countries are based around Islam, does that make the majority of our soldiers there less Christian?

If our law was based on religious beliefs, then people would likely not be able to even get a divorce today. If you really want to preserve marriage, then why not at least make a deal where gay people can't get married and straight people can't get divorced and you can all suffer equally? Of course nobody is going to do that because they want to be free, so just let gay people enjoy the same freedoms that you have to get married, adopt kids, get divorced, and be able to share the same benefits that heterosexuals have with marriage.

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