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Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Stop Breeding Bullies

I'd like to dedicate this to Stefan Molyneux, who really opened my eyes to the huge role that child abuse has on many of the problems we face as a society today.

Due to bullying, many kids have killed themselves over the years. Some kids have even gone on shooting sprees and many kids have died because of it. A recent cause has developed in the past few weeks based on preventing kids from killing themselves. This has mainly been aimed at kids who have been bullied because they are gay, or are seen as gay, but bullying targets many kids, not just gay ones. The "It Gets Better Project" is encouraging people to post videos convincing gay kids that their lives will get better once they get out of school and away from the bullies that torment them. I think this is a great idea, but it is only really focused on helping gay kids get through bullying. It doesn't really stop the cause of bullying, or help non-gay kids survive it.

People are now wearing, or showing purple to mourn 6 recent gay, teen suicides. This however, will not stop the bullying. It might show that you're mourning these dead kids, but it won't stop more from dying, or being picked on. As long as people push the idea that God hates gay people just for being gay (even if you say you don't agree that what they're doing is right, but support their rights), they will still be looked at and treated like they're less than human and weaker than everyone else. Of course, gays aren't the only ones who are bullied. Instead of seeing gays killing themselves as the problem, we should see bullying as a whole as the problem.

Bullying will always be around, but we do have the power to control how common it is. We currently have a society that teaches kids on so many different levels that violence is the answer to most problems and that weak people should be beat up on, made fun of, abused, and treated like they have no value. Our own government will bomb, or invade weak, 3rd world countries, just because they do something we don't like. If Russia, or China does something we don't like, we don't bomb them because they aren't weak. If someone has a drug problem, we don't try to help them get treatment, we get the police to pull out their guns, arrest them, and throw them in jail. We like to think we don't teach kids these violent behaviors, but we allow too much of it to go in our own lives that it's impossible to keep them from learning it.

If a kid does something a parent doesn't like, some parents will spank them and yell at them. A parent is always more powerful than their kid, so it gives the impression that a powerful person has the right to beat up on the weak if the weak person does something they don't like. We send kids to school and the teachers will bully certain kids, just because a teacher is more powerful and can do it. Don't tell me it doesn't happen; I saw it with my own eyes. A kid with a learning problem, a problem paying attention, or one who already shows aggression will usually be the ones who are mostly exposed to this and it'll just teach them that violence and making weaker people feel bad about themselves is the way they should live their life. Bad people usually don't do bad thing because they just want to do bad things. Hitler didn't kill Jews because he wanted to be a bad guy; he did it because in his twisted mind, he thought he was saving the world. A parent will spank their kid and tell them, "I'm doing this for your own good". So whenever that kid becomes a bully and attacks a weaker kid, he's justifying it in his own mind by assuming that he's doing it for that kid's own good.

Humans have a natural desire for power and control. A kid who is made to feel weak at home and then goes to school and is made to feel weak by their teacher doesn't have any power in their life. They look for more power and control anywhere they can. The only way they can get that is by picking on kids they see as weak. Society mainly shows gay people in movies, books, TV, or whatever as physically and mentally weak pacifists. That's not always true, but to a bully, or a group of bullies, you couldn't ask for a better target. There's just too many things in society that not only fail to condemn what bullies are doing, but actually encourages it. A kid picks up on all of this stuff and it's garbage in and garbage out. We can tell kids that it's wrong to be bullies, but as long as we remain hypocritical, remain bullies ourselves, and refuse to change, we can't expect them to take that message seriously and more kids will die because of it.

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