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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Selling Mature Games to Kids...OH THE HUMANITY!

An undercover operation in Dundee, Scotland used a 14-year-old boy to go into 16 shops to see if he could buy M rated games. Well, 12 of the shops sold him the games. The sad news is these people could face fines and even jail time for selling these games to kids.


Come on, give me a break. Why do people leave this stuff up to the government? Is it really that hard to keep stuff like this away from your kid? What ever happened to good ol' parents that like to complain? If you don't want stores selling stuff to your kid, don't give them money and turn them loose in a store. If you do give them money and they come back with something you don't like, complain to the store about changing their policy. If a store feels it's going to lose a valuable customer, they'll change their policy. I bet someone working there didn't even know the law existed and will now get in trouble because of this. I just hope that fine they'll have to pay doesn't take food from their own kids.

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